Sunday, May 11, 2008

Just A-Walkin' in the Rain

I believe I've attained some degree of legitimacy as a runner. I, the most painfully unmotivated, non-athlete on the planet, actually ran in the pouring rain tonight. Bully for me.

We did the entire run5/walk5 for 30 minutes, then had our cool-down stroll. I'm so glad we went. It will make the runs on the nice days that much easier. Woo Hoo!

Moral of today's run: The wise runner never consumes three cups of soup within an hour of running.


Chris said...

I am not a big fan of running in the rain. I guess it is the whole you could slip and break your face thing. But good job on the run!

jlou said...

I always like the thought of running in the rain, but when the time comes I find multiple excuses to not actually do it (it's too cold and/or windy and/or slippery). Props to you for following through despite the weather!

Anonymous said...

I would love to have some rain to run in right now. Our last good rain was in January! I don't mind running in it if its a threatening windy storm. Congrats on getting out there! You never know what the weather will be on race day, so its good to get practice in all types of weather.

Anonymous said...

Whops, meant to say if it's NOT a threatening windy storm.

Kaity Mackenzie said...

Props for running in the rain! Right now the weather has been pretty nice for me... hopefully it sticks! Congrats on your new goal too!