Wednesday, July 23, 2008

How Cool!

Last night I did my 3-mile run on a treadmill at the 'Y' again. It was kind of fun (amidst the boredom) to think back to when I was trying to get in shape a few years ago. I had no real plan, I just did the circuit training a few times a week, did cardio (walking) on the treadmill, and hoped for the best. It didn't last particularly long and I would go for months doing nothing, then be committed to it for 3 weeks at a time ---off and on forever. Nothing in my body really changed at all. I did notice a change in my cardio-vascular system but lost it whenever I dropped off the face of the fitness earth for a while. I remember getting to the point where I could actually run for 1 whole minute. Afterwards my face was beet red and I looked like I was going to keel over and have a heart attack. It was fun to muse on that while I was knocking out three miles fairly easily last night.

Having the goal of the Detroit marathon has really pushed me along and kept me focused.

Having someone(my dearest husband) do this with me has kept me from quitting.

Having a proven plan (Non-runner's Marathon Trainer) has kept me confident that even I can pull this off.

Having other bloggers around has been very encouraging and educational.



Kate said...

Goals and plans work wonders for me too. I'm kinda OCD when it comes to making schedules and plans, but sure as heck if I have it down, i will do it!

Plus having other bloggers helps too!

SueBob said...

Your welcome...and right back at you! I probably have more than a year before I run my first marathon, but it is people like you that show me that when I am ready - I too will be able to conquer that mountain.

Anonymous said...

I kinda was the same way with my running in the past and even over the last two years, I was running but without any real goal in mind. Having goals helps, and I have personally found the running blogging community to be just amazing. I could not do this without the support of so many, who never fail to help pick me up when I'm either feeling down, or just running like crap.

jodes said...

How awesome that you were able to relect on how far you've come when you were knocking out an easy three miles! Way to go you! :o) My hubby also runs with my and that's huge when you're training for something. Plus its a fun competition at times. You can TOTALLY pull this off.

Anonymous said...

Aunt Karen, I am soooo impressed!

I also would like to rave about the Y... 2 hours of free childcare 6 days a week, plus two three-hour date nights a month will inspire even someone with four kids under five to run on a treadmill!