Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Yeah, right! Flirting with Futility

This morning while I was teaching, my mother called me because one of the local radio stations was interviewing a mom in her 40's on running and marathoning in that decade of life. Mom said it was very interesting and I should tune in or find it online. What she failed to tell me is that this runner/mom just happened to be supermodel Kim Alexis. Sorry, Mom. I think taking running/fitness advice from Kim seems silly. I don't think I'd have any trouble pulling this lard butt out to run a marathon if I looked like Kim Alexis to start with. She's a mom, she's in her forties, she has five kids.......but believe me, the similarities end right there.

Something uninspiring about a skinny beautiful model being able to still look that way in her forties. Nothing against Kim. I actually think she's a decent person. It's just that as women, our whole lives we tend to struggle with not being able to look like that no matter what we do or eat. I guess I just don't need to have a sense of futility while preparing for a marathon. I'm more inspired by some obese lady who took up running in her 50's and turned her future around by getting and staying in shape.

So, if you're out there and you've been less than thin or healthy most of your life and turned things around.....do inspire me. What is your story? Are you just an average person who decided to do something you never thought you could do? Do tell!

1 comment:

Ames said...

I don't think I count, but I am trying to do push-ups. And, if you read my blog, you know where I am. My goal is one hundred. I am out of shape, have always hated exercise, I'm at least thirty pounds overweight, and I am trying to balance exercise, housework, homeschooling, etc. You'll have to stay tuned to find out how this story ends.

I agree with you. A person who has never been one pound over weight is just not inspiring. . . I love to read about women over thirty getting fit for the first time.